Please show your support by providing an endorsement for the candidacy of Terry McGinn for Mosquito Control Seat 3. 
Scroll down to read a partial list of local supporters written endorsements and the letters of recommendation. 

Endorse Terry



Four of five City of Sebastian Council Members**

At least 3 County Commissioners**

Current and two previous mayors of Sebastian

Louise Kautenburg long time contributor (27 years on City boards) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voE3oxowo0k

Two Incumbents on Mosquito Control District Board

Patrick Morgan President of Sebastian Historical Society and 24 year (retired) employee of Mosquito Control District

Buzz Hermann [personal endorsement] Friends of St Sebastian River member and director

Charles Stadelman, Jeannie Boyd Sole, Aarron and Trina Goodale, many environmental activists

Richard and Starlet Kirkland, and many friends and neighbors in the Sebastian highlands

** Please note that members of a local canvassing board or state (and former state) employees cannot and do not offer endorsements even if they support a candidate.




Admiral William J. Flanagan USN, (ret). 

2186 Pleasant Prospect Lane

Eastville, Va.

Sent from my iPhone

It is my pleasure and honor to recommend to the voters of Indian River County that they elect Mr. Terry McGinn for Indian River County Mosquito Control, Seat 3.

Terry is a classmate from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and I have know him for decades. He is a man of incredible integrity, honesty and compassion. These are essential characteristics for those seeking to serve in this position.  As a longstanding member of the Indian River County community, a successful business owner, dedicated husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather I know how much the welfare of the community means to him.

As a retired Admiral and former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, I spent a career assigning individuals with the proven skills, talent, ethics and sense of mission to the toughest tasks. 

Terry McGinn stands as a peer to such men and women. 

Of Terry's many outstanding personal character traits is his absence of political ambition. 

He will work everyday to safeguard the community’s best interests, and only the community’s best interests. 

Terry is an outstanding candidate that will earn your vote every day of his tenure.

 He is that good!


From: Jim Hill (Former Council Person and Mayor)


“Terry McGinn has proven to be a staunch supporter of a healthy lagoon and the environment of Indian River County. His focus will be on his mosquito control district responsibilities and not on his next election to a higher office. Terry McGinn has already demonstrated his knowledge, desire and ability to serve the district and I believe he will do so with honor. For these reasons and more, it’s easy for me to endorse Terry McGinn for Indian River County Mosquito Control District board seat 3.”


Endorsement of Mr. Terry McGinn for Indian River County Mosquito Control Board, Seat 3.


Joseph C Rosato Jr.
Haryleysville, PA
To Whom IT May Concern:
Subject: Endorsement of Mr. Terry McGinn for Indian River County Mosquito Control Board, Seat 3.
My name is Joe Rosato and I heartily endorse Mr. Terry McGinn for Indian River County Mosquito Control, Seat 3 and you should
as well.
I have been proud to call Terry a friend and colleague since we first met in 1991, 23 years ago.  When we first met, I had become
President of Pennfield Group and Pennfield Precision Machine while Terry
 was President of Pennfield Industries, a sister company. We each had our challenges working for the two founding owners and
eventually we went our separate ways.
Terry left Pennfield and started his own company, PS Group, inc,, initially working from his basement with his trusty Compaq
portable computer designing machine systems. Terry had a solid plan and built a great business over the years. WE stayed in
touch and we occasionally collaborated on projects over those next 17 years. Eventually, off shore competition dramatically
impacted Terry’s business and Terry decided to close P S Group, the company he had founded in 1984.
In  2002, one of his last successful design projects, Terry personally designed and delivered a working prototype for the first
Anthrax Bio Detection System to Northrop Grumman/USPS in under 6 weeks. Based on the initial feasibility studies that were an
absolute success, a new company was formed by his partner on this project and the company grew over the years and delivered
over 1500 Anthrax detection systems for post offices all over the United States and the company was a great success.
Terry continued to design and produce a multitude of advanced mail handling subsystems for Northrop Grumman/USPS
including “FSS” a multi million dollar system to 300 facilities.

We stayed in close touch and I never understood why he worked so diligently to make someone else so successful. He had a passion for his coworkers and what drives Terry, is the success of his team and the project.
After I left Pennfield, I became President and CEO of a local medical device manufacturing company, Pulse Technologies. We
were successful in growing the company the next 20 years from a small $1.5 million a year manufacturing operation with 28
employees and recently sold the company for $160 Million with over 250 employees. As we grew the company, we had technical
problems that I knew only one person could solve with the passion and drive towards continuous improvement and that was
Terry McGinn.
I contacted Terry to consult for us in advanced manufacturing of Iridium/Platinum electrodes. This material is very soft to machine
and are very small by design that are used in Atrial Fibrillation procedures. Terry worked hard to understand the problems and he
worked on the factory floor with screw machine set up associates and manufacturing engineers to improve the surface finish
while eliminating the need to hand polish which helped the yield and cost structure of the product.
In addition, Terry with his breadth of experience was also instrumental in researching and developing a “dry ice deburring
process” of soft machined plastic components. Another program success. We improved first pass yield by 22% and reduced cost
by 18% a great success and enabled us to meet a tough delivery timeline.
Terry is one of the smartest persons I have every met in my life. He is one of and I quote; “best of breed” in technical, professional, and personal competence in advanced factory processes than anyone I have ever known.

Terry also operates with a high degree of ethics and moral character.  He has always been successful in all business ventures that he was involved in and has had a great career. Whenever I had a technical problem that involved factory processes and advance automation, Terry was bar none the best I have seen. I am proud to have worked with and know Terry McGinn and firmly believe that he will add value to the Indian River Mosquito board with his knowledge and leadership.  
We are still close friends and Beth and I share our love for Terry and his family and we also share our mutual love of Golden Retrievers. (We each have had many  Golden Retrievers over the many years we have known each other.). Terry has always tackled every challenge with all the tools available to him and I have never seen him fail.

Don’t hesitate, Terry is your man and is the right person for the job. He will do what is right for Indian River County and he is not afraid to dig in and get his hands dirty, understanding the problems while driving the team towards solutions.

Vote for Terry McGinn. You will be lucky to have him as a Board member. 

Joe Rosato
Harleysville, PA





Endorsement for Terry McGinn.

I’m Capt. Marci McNamara 64’; I am a Master Mariner retired from the U.S. Merchant Marine.

I have known Terry McGinn for over 60 years. I have known him to be of good character and a tireless worker.  I have great respect for his outstanding engineering abilities, and his remarkable talent for resourceful and creative solutions to technical problems.

Terry is passionate in applying his energy to bettering the things he believes in.  I am confident he will be a great addition to your commission, especially in this time of increased concern with mosquito borne diseases.


I am pleased to recommend Terry McGinn for the office of  Commissioner of the Indian River County Mosquito Control District Board. 

I have known Terry for over 60 years as a highly intelligent and creative engineer, dedicated and tireless at whatever he engages in. Over the past few years he has been increasingly focused on the mosquito situation in Indian River. Although I don't have personal expertise in that area, I have served on other public commissions, and am familiar with how they function. Terry has the ability to work cooperatively with peers, respectfully with the public, and to provide leadership for both. I am certain his election would be a great addition to the Board. And a very bad day for mosquito's.

Tim Kelley 64’

133 Farnum Street

San Francisco, CA


James Perrin from gmail.com. Former Employee/Personal Friend ( contact information removed at Jim's request. ) .. ... When Terry reached out to me to write a recommendation for his campaign for a commissioner seat, I agreed without hesitation. He would be a great fit for this role for a number of reasons that I will get into below.

For background, Terry was my direct supervisor at a company we worked for in Pennsylvania. We worked together from the time he hired me in 2005 to do electro-mechanical design through 2009 when a major contract wound down and it was time for me to move on. We were responsible for taking projects from prototype to production and worked on a wide range of sophisticated products. Including complex Homeland Security analysis equipment to automated, high speed mail sorting systems.

Terry is a great leader.

I learned a lot from him and he was a highly influential mentor to me. He was respectful when we collaborated on ideas and it was very gratifying that he would let me run with something if he thought it had a good chance of success. I found this to be very encouraging and it boosted my confidence as a young engineer.

I remember talking to Terry about his experience as an entrepreneur. He would talk about how some of his most technically successful jobs were not always economically successful. I appreciated how he looks at things from multiple perspectives and that he is quick to share from his abundance of life experience.

Terry is one of the most innovative men I’ve worked with and is able to generate multiple options when problem solving. He is a genuinely curious individual and once something catches his attention, he digs deep, does his research and quickly accumulates knowledge.

He is technically savvy, a tenacious problem solver and no doubt would be a high value asset to the Indian River County Mosquito Control Board.

Great people skills is another trait of Terry’s that always stood out to me. Our customers really respected Terry and he had great rapport with all our contacts. He is very funny and personable and can put people at ease.

We went on many trips to mail sorting centers in Northern Virginia, our sister company in Baltimore and to our customer in Phoenix. These were some of the best and lasting memories of my career.

Terry is fun to be around and to this day, I am honored to call him my friend.

I hope I was able to clearly express that I would absolutely recommend Terry as a candidate for this important role in his community. He will give it his all and will not disappoint.

It makes me happy to see that Terry is still out there solving problems and being a force for good. I would be happy to talk to anyone further if that would be of benefit. Thu Aug 8 2024 08:37:50



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: louisek1@

To: "temcginn@yahoo.com"

Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 at 02:05:01 PM EDT

Subject:  Endorsement

Terry, I can not tell you how pleased I am that you are willing to serve your community.  To have a board member who is serving because he takes the job seriously and has no objective other than service will be a blessing to our community.  On top of that, I believe that you are most qualified for this position.  I will be pleased to support you in any way that I can, including advising all of my friends and associates that they SHOULD vote for you.  Please send me a link to your campaign site if you have one. 

Thanks, LK  

Louise "K" 

Direct Line: 772-589-


    email: louisek1@******.com            



From: Tracey Cole @gmail.com>

To: terry mcginn 

Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 at 12:31:57 PM EDT

Subject: Mosquito Control District Candidate (sic)


We are glad to see you are running for Mosquito Control District Board. You have always been actively involved in Sebastian and the county when they needed you.

During the Recall and re elections your creation of social groups, survey pages and fact checking helped us achieve what was right for our community.

 Again, during times like opposing the attempts to build that hotel on the lagoon your research and activism reached thousands of voters who petition to prevent it.

We need your guidance, experience and representation on the Mosquito Control Board for Sebastian and the county. 

We hope everyone we know votes for you.

Keep up your good work.

Tim and Tracey Cole

Leesburg, GA



Alice Clarkin 

From: aliceclarkin@

Sun, Sep 8 at 6:05 PM

I am writing this as a personal reference for the character and  abilities of Terry McGinn.

My family and I have known Terry for 70 years. We grew up not far from each other and our parents became close when we were very, very young. Terry was my older brothers best friend. They went to school together, Scouts together, and visited each other when they could.  Our houses were just out of reach to be walking distance. So whenever our parents visited each other, we would get to visit  too.

Terry was the oldest of five children. He was his families “shining star”.  The leader.  He could always be counted on to take charge of the younger siblings, and watch over them when necessary. He did so with kindness but authority.  His parents, Terry and Shirley, were so proud of him.  And rightly so. He could always  be counted upon with assurance.

Trry went on to excel in everything he did.

We went to John Greene together, the local public elementary school and then to Tyler school, a parochial school in Providence.  Then the McGinn and Clothier children went on to different educational paths. Terry went to LaSalle and my brother and sister and I ended up in the Warwick school system after Tyler School. Different colleges.  However our families always remained as one, over many years. Years  after we were grown.

Terry has helped me out in so many ways as long as I can remember.  If I have needed any help or advice relating to ANY topic or area, from relatively minor projects, like choosing an air conditioner, to life changing challenges such as selling and buying one’s home.

Terry is a one woman man.  Married with three stand out kids, and many grandchildren. Always there for each other.  

In conclusion, there would never be any  question in my mind at all as to the qualifications, time spent, personal  interactions, and desired outcomes for the Mosquito Control Project if Terry McGinn were to be elected for the job.

Alice Clothier Clarkin  






Want to Endorse Terry McGinn for Mosquito Control Seat 3?

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On November 5, 2024 , vote Terry McGinn
for Indian River County Mosquito Control – Seat 3

Paid for by Terry Mc Ginn for Mosquito Control.

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